Up early and whilst the wife was still asleep I made a very quick visit to water the plants in the allotment greenhouse as I have a lot of clearing up to do in the back garden at home today. I can't be in two places at once and looking at the weeds in bed 1 and along the path I really need to get in some time down here.
The red spring onions although watered really don't look happy they are not standing up and I can't figure out why, next visit I think it's the ground and sh1t or bust for them (if they are still alive). I did manage to pull out some of the potatoes from bed 3 and give a fork over before I came home.
So home and a major blitz on trying to clear up the back garden. Shredded the branches from the apple tree that were stacked behind the brick BBQ. Sid next door has the shredding's for his front garden so disposal of the waste material is really easy and I don't need any more on the allotment.
Sorted out the excess garden ornaments and I now have four bread trays ready for the allotment. I sawed off the up stands on the sides and these will join the others down on the allotment to become pea climbing frames.
Using the compost from last year I potted up the rest of the 100's and 1000's and moved out the others from the bottom of the greenhouse and I now have all 100's and 1000's in the bottom of the greenhouse. The cold frame was cleared of all trays and other items, then I potted on the poached egg plants into pots and they will stay in the cold frame until my next visit to the allotment.
Having now sorted out the external water tap and the super X-hose now working the traditional hose is going to the site so that my watering system can be extended. Instead of dragging a hose around the site and knocking over everything I shall end up with a hose at each set of four beds and one at the top of the site for the greenhouse, grow house and comfrey patch.
Another late night finishing about 9:00 and totally knackered but it's all coming together.

Now I must read the back of the pack and find out what I need to grow the cucumbers because they look as if they need to be moved up to a bigger pot or perhaps outside if they are they type that can go outside?
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