Saturday 21 October 2017

Planning My New Kingdom

So the paperwork arrived for the overgrown plot next to mine yesterday and I'm now the proud owner of Plot 1 as well as 1A. I need to measure the exact length of the new plot but proportionally what I've drawn up is this morning is very near.

Here is my existing Plot 1A

First stab at a layout for Plot 1

There is a step between plots 1A and 1 and I would like to have access straight onto the plots. At the moment I have to walk along the bottom of plot 1 and then along the foot path between plots 1 & 2. and this time of the year get soaking wet if I don't wear wellingtons

What I have drawn as paved is the main route into plot 1, up towards the shed and greenhouse area and then heading towards the end of the existing path on plot 1A. 

There is a ramp between plots 1 & 1A as there is a difference in level of around 150 - 200mm.

The L shape at the bottom and side is likely to be a mixture of trees grown as a living fence comfrey and wild flowers for the bees.

Paths will initially be woodchip with the exception of the main path, for which I have enough slabs on the Spencer Road plot 23B which I have paid for until October 2018 which gives me time to get the site cleared where the shed and greenhouse are planned to go. I will grow vegetables on Spencer Road that are low maintenance like potatoes, Marrows, Squash etc. which can basically be planted and left to it.    

So getting in everything above beds 17 - 24 and the main path is my objective for 2018 and everything below the main path in 2019 if I'm being realistic.

Combined Drawing of Plots 1 & 1A

This panorama does not extend right the way down to the corner of Plot 1 so I will get a better photo next time I'm down on the allotment. At least now I can attack at least the first 1.5m along the boundary between plots 1 &1A, its a shame that the nettles have all gone to seed and dropped them.

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