Friday 29 January 2016

Sarpo Potatoes Arrive

Sarpo Mira, Sarpo Blue Danube, Sarpo Kifli and Sarpo Axona have come and they have been placed in tray modules in Mushroom baskets surrounded by bubble wrap with a Bubble wrap Blanket that comes off in the morning and is put back on over night as the coolest lightest place I can find at the moment is the greenhouse.

Temperatures and frost warnings are being looked at and if the outside temperature is forecast is less than 5C over night they will come in. The reality is forecast 5 in the greenhouse 1.2C and I don't want my spuds getting frost bite and turning to water now do I.

Sunday 24 January 2016

It's All About The Base

Fixing the broken siphon in the wc cistern this morning and then off to Been and Queued to get some slabs for the Base to the shed. My bother-in-law has his in and ready to go and once mine is in we can order our sheds.

So another 5 slabs and some bags of sand and we should be good to order the sheds.

72 Ailsa Craig Onion seeds sown in 20mm x 20mm x 30mm modules and in the micro Ikea Greenhouse that's behind the kitchen patio door, I will let these germinate and then sow some reds.  

Sunday 17 January 2016

Let It Snow

And it did a little. A quick compost drop off to plot 1A, the worms were obviously not too warm as there were none in the lid this weekend. Then a flower bucket drop off at plot 23B and some stone harvesting along the boundary with my neighbour, then home as it was far to cold and wet to be playing with the mud that was covered in snow.

Met two parks police on my way out of the allotment, I suspect they thought I could have been the asshole that has been breaking into the sheds and wanted to check me out. They were happy when they saw I had a key to the gate.

Sunday 10 January 2016

Sprouts and Worms

Well my last visit to Plot 1A was on the 13th December 2015, this was my first visit in 2016 and, the idea was to drop off some items, sacks, shredded paper etc.and perhaps have a little tidy and then go onto Plot 23B.

Then I saw the sprouts and a few had blown and I decided that I would deal with bed 3 and harvest the sprouts.You will see what I found when I went to put the shredded paper into Dalek 3 in the video below.

I have covered the parsnips left to go to seed in the corner of bed 9 with a cloche.

Next was the short trip to my other allotment plot 23B. I managed to fill four more flower buckets with manure and topped the small Dalek at the end of the plot to the brim. I also started to dig and weed the front edge of the plot along the boundary with 23A, and filled a tug with weeds in the process.

My brother-in-law Keith and his wife Pauline were sorting out pallets and working out where to put their new shed, and Keith noticed that some shed doors were open. It appears that last weekend there were shed break-ins on nearby allotments and back gardens in the area.

That's 3 break-ins since I got my plot last September. It does make you wonder if its worth getting a shed and if you do, you may as well never bother to lock it.