Saturday, 1 March 2025

Mulching The Spring Raspberry Bed

Photograph of the first Spring Raspberry bed after two wheel barrow loads of mulch quality woodchips had been added.

On the left the asparagus bed that needs raking and covered in Struch mulch and a fence erected around it to stop the foxes from digging it up. In the middle the Spring Raspberry bed filled to the top with four barrow loads of mulch worthy woodchip.

Just before I left to go home for my evening meal I put in six vertical bamboos to start a high cage to hold in the canes when they start growing, it may be two years until I get any canes from this bed because I have cut all of them right back to the ground last year.  

One can see how much the other Raspberry beds to the right have consolidated and dropped since they were mulched in late December and January

Panorama of plot 1A from the footpath between Plot 1A & 2.

Apart from the work to the plum tree and the leaf bins and Daleks not a lot of prep work has been done on this side of Avalon so far, the beds are still covered for winter but a few weeds are coming to life, the apple trees need trimming and the grape vine cut back this month.

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