Monday, 3 February 2025

Removing the Framework To Bed 16

A couple of hours on the allotment this afternoon dismantling bed 16 and find out the timbers will be no good for extending the narrow beds half beds between plot 1 and plot 1A so I will need a little rethink on that one.

I used a pile of brick as a pivot point and the garden fork as a fulcrum and levered up the frame and placed bricks under until I had it high enough so I could lift the fame on its side to unscrew the timbers.

Michelle who was also on site today came over to help me lift the frame and held it stable whilst I unscrewed the timbers.

The timbers that framed bed 16 have rotted too much to be used to extend the half width beds that denote the boundary between plot 1 and Plot 1A, and are now resting on the narrow bed and will be ripped up and used to line the bottom layer of the two new raised beds on the bed 16 footprint in a similar way as I did on the last bed 15 raised bed.

Bed 16 now frameless and ready to be uncovered and excavated into square flower buckets and potato buckets, to be then used to back fill the top half of the raised beds once constructed.

Square flower buckets stacked and ready to be filled with the excavated humus material from the bed 16 footprint starting at the rear end of the bed in this photo. The roots of the bindweed are visible in the void left from the removed timber framing and they will be weeded out as I excavate the footprint. 

Selma from plot 6 has stacked a load of rotting decking boards next to my plotting shed that I can used under the new raised beds, and in the bottom layer.

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