Thursday, 13 February 2025

Excavating Bed 16 First Trench

It's been a few days since its been dry enough to actually get something done on the allotment, but it was dry enough to visit and show a new tenant the vacant plot and to get on excavating the good humus material from the end of bed 16 into square flower buckets today

7 square flower buckets of soil excavated from the end of bed 16, with 4 buckets around the bed and 3 in the excavation, and bindweed, couch grass and mares tail roots removed.

Aim of the next visit when working on bed 16 will be to bottom out the trench and backfill with woodchips and then take another flower bucket width to a spades depth from that end.

End of bed 16 covered with the large trays and a trug and bucket of weed roots covered with small plastic table to keep the water out of the bag.

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