The tomatoes in the grow house were looking a little thirsty and the leafs were sagging and droopy, but it was very sunny yesterday and about 27 C. As my plot was in shade this morning, I watered as much as I could and picked up all the Fox sh1t which was all over the place.
Basil and his mates have been digging up bed 2 as predicted because I put in Blood Fish and Bone
I also took down two trays of beetroot to go into bed 2, but until I have built a portable 1.2 x1.2m hoop cage to keep off Basil and chums, they can stay in the greenhouse. Basil has also trod down my Onions
I have limed bed 14 which is going to get the cauliflower, lets see if Basil and his mates like lime as much as BFB
Update - A visit to wilko at 5:00ish resulted in yet more seeds as they are now reduced by 75% plus I picked up a tall 4 tier blow a way for £2 and a short one for a £1 they are going to be used as staging in the cold frame extension to the shed
Also bought a selection of good quality stainless steel hand tools that will end up on hooks on the shed door as I can never find the ones I have and they are so cheap and nasty they break and bend as you use them.
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