I dropped off to the allotment this morning to water the plants in the greenhouse as I had not been down there for a couple of days - As I pulled in to the access road there was a tree surgeon cutting some trees down. A conversation later, it turned out that his boss had underestimated the amount of work and volume of debris and he was very happy to deposit the whole truck load on the allotment site, rather than pay to dispose of it at a tip.
So I stayed for a little longer than I had anticipated, so they could complete their work, but we have ended up with a valuable resource, and we have exchanged telephone numbers so we can do it again in the future. There is a God out there and he was smiling on me today
I ended up potting on 16 tomatoes, filling some milk bottle with sand and filling up a staging full of metal trays of damp sand for drying. I topped up four of the flower buckets in the greenhouse with Pentland Javelin in. There are four more that need to be topped up but that will have to wait until my next visit.
I returned later in the evening and bagged up 9 sack loads, topped up the existing paths and patched up the access road / path that was beginning to get a little muddy and thin. There is a gap in the middle but I'm hoping someone else will fill that in. I'm going to put a sign up telling the other plot members that they can take what they need, but to fill in the middle stretch if they take some.
I've left a message for my brother in law as he has the last 1/3rd of his plot to lay out new paths on.
Really too busy for photographs on this occasion. At home the red spring onions are showing in the cold frame and a lot of the lettuce I've planted recently are showing. I must concentrate on work tomorrow as I have three new enquiries on my phone.
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