As there is rain forecast and my Daughters have booked Dad as a Taxi to get them to the tube station as they are going to Bournemouth my coach from Victoria for a couple of days and to see McBusted I decided to do the Sunday visit on Saturday
Hit the shed and sorted out loads of rubbish and found items that I had been looking for. A decision has been made to scrap all of the pop bottles. Now I have the greenhouse I really don't need them, I will keep the one I have made but the pop bottle squasher will be used.
Watered the plants in the greenhouse and sowed two cat litter trays of sweet core in flexi recycled plastic pots
Some of the toms are getting near the point where the will need potting on I suspect a job for an evening visit whilst watering other stuff. The White Lisbon Onions getting the comfrey tea feed are really cracking on.
I chopped up some more comfrey stuffed it in a plastic milk bottle and started off another batch. I think I should have at least 3 bottles on the brew and I need to fill the comfrey pipe not sure if I should empty the contents from last year first? Any advice out there?
Beds 2, 3 & 4 got their new plastic edges and the green lawn edging was removed, they were also weeded and the huge amount of volunteer Potatoes were extracted. OK some are really small and there is no way I could have found them. But, I dug those beds over at least 3 times and can't believe the size of some of the potatoes I have dug out!!
Keith an Mick came to Rotovate Keiths additional width of plot.
I removed the grey DPM covering beds 12 & 13 and started to bag up the woodchips and fill up some of the paths especially around beds 2, 3 & 4.
I'm hoping that I will have enough woodchip to complete all the paths, but that's unlikely - and I may have some carpet paths until I can resource some more woodchip.
Ron arrived, Owen and kids, Michelle, Bob it was quite nice to see so many people on the site. I made a comment about Robert the new owner of plot 3 not having done anything and Michelle said she actually met him and he has started clearing. I had a look on the way back - looks like an area about 2m x 4m at the moment, He has a long way to go.
It amazes me how fast the hours fly by on the allotment, Now I work from home I really enjoy getting away from it, if only Mrs Cadalot would come with me more often like Pauline does with Keith.
Squashed a slug that dares to be out in daylight, and the little bugger have left trails all over my solar tent plastic cloches - so I didn't drink all my can of bitter - some when into a cup for the slugs to enjoy and hopefully drowned in. (update he did ..... Evil Grin)
Dug up the soil in the bean trench and amazed to find the stalks of the sprouts have not rotted down!!!! Well I'm not extracting them all so they will just have to stay there. an additional layer of last years compost with some chicken pellets will have to go in next visit in readiness for the beans in mid May.
The afternoon was spent at home cutting the grass and fixing the fence and paving around it on Sids side of the back garden and the next job is replacing the fence posts and panels on Joes side. Not to mention patching up the grass again that didn't take
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