A watering trip via B&Q to pick up two more 125L Bags of verve Compost - My daughter and her boyfriend came down to inspect the allotment to help me in and out with the very heavy bags of compost. They had not been down for about 9 months so saw the difference. I've had a promise of help and a BBQ lunch in couple of weeks, if it will actually happen or not is another matter.
Plants are all doing really well and I now have many more tomatoes showing, little seedlings are popping their heads up daily.

29 - 100s & 1000s
2 - Beef Steak
3 - Gardeners Delight
7 - Harbinger
3 - Money Makers
4 - Lizzano
4 - Sweet Baby
3 - Sweet Mullion
4 Peppers 2 of two colours and 0 for the other 2 colours
The Comfrey has gone mad and I've planted the last of
the excess bluebells from home in between them
The Apple trees are really growing well
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