Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Wednesday 18th December 2013

A quick visit to the allotment to pick up the flask full of now very cold coffee that I left in my haste to get home on Sunday, after the phone call about Snoop.

Monday went by at a snails pace, and the vet was supposed to be with us between 12- 1 but because of an emergency operation didn't make it until 4:30. Absolutely agonising and heart breaking for us all, and what a void such a little chap can leave in the house and our hearts. 

Getting back to the allotment, I topped up the leaf bins again with a sack load into each as they leafs had compacted over the last few days. I still have two sacks waiting for more compaction to talk place, and I have half a sack from the front garden again and with what has finally come off the trees in the back garden that will become a full sack. Still no sign of woodchips anywhere to be seen, bleeping council about as useful as a push bike is to a goldfish!

I filled up a couple of plastic milk bottles with sand that had dried out quite a bit in the greenhouse as I had to kill a little time until the shops opened. My darling accident prone youngest daughter had managed to break her bed (on Monday but didn't want to tell me because of what was going on) and somehow managed to rip the towel rail off the wall in the bathroom.

So far the working for my self from home and the weather have not really allowed me any time and advantage to get down to the allotment for any significant time to make headway into getting ready for next year.

Snail or slug trails on the moisture to the inside of the cold frame glass - but can I find the culprit! There are only two lettuce that are not really doing much in there at all.

The spring onions on the allotment look smaller if anything from when they went into the ground and don't appear to have made any headway at all, I'm not really sure this over wintering stuff works.

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