Sawn off the raised edges to another four bread trays to make another leaf holding bin as I swept up all the leafs in the front garden this morning and ended up with 2.5 sacks worth, and by the time I came home lunch time there were another 2.5 black sacks worth. I put it all down to the heavy frost last night - scraping ice off the cars in the morning and Jens car still had ice on the windscreen this afternoon.
So I now have 5 sacks of leafs for the allotment, I chased the council yesterday about the lack of woodchips and leaves that were promised over a month ago - knowing my luck they will drop off both on the same day and cover one with the other!
Hoping to get a lunch time visit in Friday if possible.
Job List in no particular order - Update
Weed and manure the empty beds - Half Done
Finish construction of half bed cloche - mini polytunnel
Build second half bed cloche - mini polytunnel
Plant out over winter cabbage from the cold frame - they died
If peppers are ready harvest and collapse the pop up greenhouse - Decided to leave erected and use for storage
Construct the greenhouse - coldframe extension to the side of the shed
Use freecycle greenhouse framework to make a cage over a bed
Guttering on the shed to the water butt
Sort out the leaf stores and harvest more leafs and fill up. - On going
Dig bed 10 and create paths around
Dig bed 11 and create paths around
Dig Bed 12 and create Paths around
Dig Beds 13 onwards in the triangular area
Install kerb edgings along the main access paths
Stake the carpet path to the ground to prevent fly away in high winds
Lay the remainder of the paving slabs and level existing - Started
Cut back the grapes for winter - February Job
Lay slate chippings around the grapes
Sort out the shed
Hump said woodchips to plot and fill up the paths and sacks for the paths on the remainder of the plot
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