Monday 26 August 2024

Second Raised Bed On Bed 16

A visit to the allotment between 2pm and a little after 6pm working on the second raised bed on what was bed 16.

Weed membrane under the paving slabs exposed and the woodchip. mares tail and bindweed roots removed.

Weed membrane under the paving slabs exposed and the woodchip. mares tail and bindweed roots removed

Woodchip barrowed in from the car park and compacted around the outside of the new raised bed frame footprint.

Plastic barrier held in place with bricks so that the rear of the bed could be filled with woodchip and compacted

Bottom frame that was prepared earlier in true Blue Peter fashion was moved into place. Woodchip levelled out between the two raised beds and weed membrane laid on top.

Weed Membrane laid between the two raised beds and paving slabs laid and then washed off with the hose and given a scrub with the yard broom, as they were a little grubby when picked up.

Next visit the spoil heap in the frame needs to be decanted into the square flower buckets and then backfilled with woodchip up the path level then capped off with magic cardboard and more woodchip and branches added to the first frame of the raised bed.

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