Wednesday 2 October 2024

It's Going To Be A Cold October

As the cost of energy has increased and the pensioners winter heating allowance is being removed, it is reported that Low pressure from the Atlantic is set to arrive on October 11 and into the weekend bringing areas of cold rain.

The weekend of October 12 to 13 is forecast to see "a mixture of unsettled showery spells and longer periods of rain is most likely", however, there will be "some brighter spells with the driest weather in the south", which is good for me. I don't mind cold and dry, but I can't get on with much on the allotment if its wet. 

WXCHARTS predicts that large areas of Scotland will see the worst of the freezing conditions on October 13 with thermometers to drop as low as -2C to -4C in many areas.

It's been noticeably colder the last couple of days and this morning my central heating turned itself on.  

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