Sunday 2 August 2020

Plot 1 - August 2020

 Update 29th August 2020

Four nearly five months of shielding my good lady wife and not visiting the plot meant that I only had parsnips sown before lockdown and following being able to the relax the shielding I have been visiting the plots and only have squash in both plot 1 and 1A in addition to the Parsnip this year. So the beds have laid fallow and been allowed to go to weed and now are being cleared and sown with green manure. 

This page is dedicated to Mill Green Plot 1A. It holds my thoughts and plans for 2021 and it will be under development from now September  2020 over the winter months and will no doubt be modified on a continuous basis. I've had this plot since 2012 and the soil have received lots of love and attention over that time. the soil is much improved from what I took on and most large stones have been removed and all those that come to the surface each year are weeded out. The soil here is good for deep roots like Parsnip and Carrots.  

Updated Plan 14th December 2020 


Spring     19th March - 19th June
Summer  20th June - 19th Sept
Autumn   20th Sept - 20th December
Winter     21st December - 18th March 

As I start editing this on the 15th December 2020 we are going into tier 3 in London as of Wednesday night. I will not be shielding in the same was as I did from March 2020. I will be taking the opportunity to get down to the allotment as much as possible for the first 3 months of 2021 as long as my daughter is working from home to keep an eye on my wife.   


I have been wanting an Asparagus Bed for some time, I even bought some a couple of years ago when I was on Spencer Road but they came before I had created a bed for them. They are still on the agenda but as to if they will happen in 2021, I doubt it as I still have plot 1 to finish the infrastructure on which could include a bed for 

Update Asparagus. Bed R3 looks like a contender as I have 3 new Rhubarb coming in May 2021 that will go on plot 1  

BEETROOT Beds 16 & 17 more details on Plans for Mill Green Plot 1 - 2021

We eat and pickle a lot of beetroot, I normally start the beetroots off in the greenhouse in vending machine cups, this year will be a two pronged attack Successional sowing will take place in a third of a bed length every 3 - 4 weeks so that they can be harvested and pickled in batches.

Sow from March 2-4 weeks before the last frost when the ground is warm.

BRUSSELS SPROUT - Beds 4 & 5 (if Cabbages bunks in with Broccoli )

In 2018, I manage to get 5 different varieties in a bed at Mill Green Plot 1A which were Bedford Darkmar 21, Cromwell F1, Evesham Special, Mongomery F1 & Rubine Purple Sprout

Due to my leg injury and the strange and warm weather we had in 2019 I didn't get sprouts in the ground. Due to Covid-19 no sprouts in 2020, they have to happen in 2021 

This year I hoping for two beds of Sprouts and grow on two of the following varieties

                                                 Sowing           Sowing        Harvest 
                                                 Indoors         Outdoors

Bedford                                                           Mar - April       Sep - Dec                                
Bedford Darkmar 21           Feb - Mid Mar      Mar - April    Mid-Nov to Jan
Brest F1                                 Feb - Apr          Mar - April       Nov - Feb              
Brodie  F1                              Feb - Apr          Mar - April       Nov - Jan  - T&M                  
Cromwell F1                       Feb - Mid Mar       Mar - April      Sep - Dec                                
Evesham Special                   Feb - Mar          Mar - April      Sep - Dec - Mr Fothergill's  
Mongomery F1                   Feb - Mid Mar       Mar - April      Nov - Dec
Nelson                                    Feb - Apr          April - Jun       Aug - Nov
Rubine Purple Sprout             Feb - Apr          Mar - April      Nov - Jan 

So Harvest period from August - February that's potentially 7 months of fresh sprouts.

BUTTERNUT SQUASH - Plot 1A Beds 7 & 8

I use Butternut squash to cover plot 1 in 2019, and in 2020 I also ended up growing in two  beds on plot 1A and they just took over. In 2021 I will need to keep the Waltham Butternuts away from the other squash and any pumpkins so that they don't cross pollinate. 

CABBAGE - Beds 3 or 5

I'm really undecided about cabbage, as I had such a disaster with it during 2019 mainly due to the vast amount of slugs, I have been contemplating Kale, one to ponder I think. Ideally small spring green type cabbages are what I'm after.

CARROTS - Bed 11

Do best in beds that have not been recently manured

I want to grow many more in 2021 and want to grow big "bugs bunny type" if possible. I have acquired a number of different variety seeds, seed sales are responsible for a large number of them as I can't resist a bargain.

I'm looking at one and a half beds on Plot 1A but if I can get a bed ready on Plot 1 I will have one bed on each plot.

1st Sowing in Bed No 11

Amsterdam 2 (Solo)          - Jan
Early Nantes 2                  - Jan

Nairobi                              - Jan
Cascade F1                      - Feb *
Early Scarlet Horn            - Feb
Early Nantes 2 Frubund   - Feb
Romance F1                     - Feb

Autumn King 2                  - Mar

2nd Sowing in Bed No ?- Plot 1A or a new Bed or SFG Bed on Plot 1?   

Chartenay Red Cored      - Mar
Early Nantes 5                  - Mar

Jitka F1                             - Mar
Nandor F1                         - Mar *
Nigel F1 Hybrid                 - Mar
Paris Market - Atlas          - Mar *

Royal Chantenay 3           - Mar
St Valery                           - Mar

Short ideal for starting  in loo rolls


The best cauliflower I have ever grown was during my first year, they were Jamie Oliver Cheesy F1 seeds and All The Year Round Cauliflower. The leg injury and the hot spring killed off all my brassicas in 2019 the ones I grew were donated by my sister in law. Nothing in 2020, so I'm hoping for a better year in 2021  .


I have historically grown Marketmore, Burpless and for the last two years have been given Mr Fothergills Esmarald and this year grew Miniature Whites.

Esmarald are by far the best green long cucumber that I have grown so far and I have saved seeds from this variety as well as the mini white. I have a better framework to build for 2021 and I may grow all four varieties again in 2021. 


Piccolo Di Parigi - Second year growing Gherkins and only because my sister loves them 


The greenhouse got limited use in 2019 as too much rubbish had / has accumulated in it. and wasps took occupation. 

The plan is to empty, clean and reduce the staging in it such that I can use it for what it's meant for in 2020 That has not happened yet and the greenhouse needs to be cleared and ready for Spring 2021. 


The greenhouse frame only got erected in 2019, 2020 has been a disaster so I need to get the base in and the framework clad and ready for use in 2021 as I have a a Quadgrow and other high level SIP watering equipment to play with and trial. 

Lots of mini, micro and dwarf tomatoes on the plot in addition to peppers and melons. 


Over winter the objectives are

  • Clear the greenhouse on plot 1A completely
  • Complete the build of the Greenhouse on Plot 1 
  • Clear and Tidy the storage Area behind the shed on plot 1 
  • Completer as much infrastructure on plot 1 as possible.  
MARROW - Plot 1 possibly the bottom corner 

Planted in spaces around sweetcorn on plot 1A in 2019 in 2020 looking at growing in the area left with no formal infrastructure on plot 1 or beds on plot 1 

Long Green Striped   - To be used by Dec 2018 Sow April - May Harvest July Onwards
Long Green Trailing Exhibition Marrow - from Jungle seeds no use by date on the pack or sowing and harvesting information other than sow in peaty sterile seed compost 7mm deep at 25-30C Germination  2 - 3 weeks. Once germinated these grow rapidly and will need good light. Plant out after all frost have passed in a rich manured compost.   

MELON - Greenhouses on Plot 1 and 1A

This is something new that I want to try and grow in the greenhouses at both allotments in 2021 if the greenhouse on plot 1 is finally erected. I have three different varieties to try, Rugoso di Cosenza giallo, Ogen & Sugar Baby.

The packs appear to say Sow from March to May, Plant out May June and Harvest August to September / Early October.   

ONIONS -  Beds 18 Possibly R2 as I'm not feeling love for Courgettes this year 

I'm going to try and grow onions for seeds again in 2021 and the seed will be sown just after Christmas 

PARSNIPS -  Beds 19

Didn't happen in 2019, an early sowing in 2020 and I would like to leave some to go to seed in 2021

POTATOES - On Plot 1 more details on Plans for Mill Green Plot 1 - 2021

RHUBARB - Was Beds R3 now on Plot 1 more details on Plans for Mill Green Plot 1 - 2021

I've purchased some new Rhubarb for the plot coming May 2021

RUNNER BEANS - Runner Bean Bed 

The climbing frame was repaired in 2020 before lock down. My seed box need to be looked at to see what varieties I have for 2021.  Scarlet Emperor seeds were saved a couple of years ago I have no idea how viable they will be for 2021

SWEDE & TURNIPS - Bed 12 (105 hole planting Membrane)  

First year growing both of these see In My Seed Box For 2021 - Swede & Turnip  

SWEETCORN - Beds 9 & 10 

Historically my sweetcorn of choice has been Lark F1 and Swift in 2019 I was sent two new varieties of sweetcorn from Marshalls these were Alliance and Tyson. Now I only managed to grow the Alliance in 2019 and the results were that Alliance outshone Lark and Swift and I will definitely grow Marshalls Alliance again, 

This year however I have the Tyson seeds in my Seed Box and they will be my primary sowing. I had thought that if I manage to get the infrastructure in on plot 1 I may have a second batch of sweetcorn.  There is a possibility that I could squat in a couple of beds on my sister-in-laws plot as she is in the process of moving and will not be using all her plot in 2021   

TOMATOES - Beds H1 & H2 and Greenhouse on Plot 1

Because of my leg injury 2019 was the worst year I have ever had for tomatoes, only some micro, mini and dwarf were grown in the space saver greenhouse and there was no Bumper crop like we had in 2018. 

The plan for 2021 for tomatoes in broad terms is this 

Crimson Crush and Rapunzel will be grown out in the open on the allotment, and mini, micro and mini dwarf Tomatoes will be grown in both the greenhouses on the allotment. 22 varieties will be grown in the back garden as usual.


I have received two packs of wildflower seed for bees from two different sources this year. Historically I have not grown flowers on the allotment apart from the Daffs and Bluebells that come up early in the comfrey beds and the Poached Egg Plants that are grown to attract aphid eating ladybirds. This year I will plant a minimum of 4 - 6 flower buckets of wild flowers per allotment and move then around to encourage the pollinators in.   

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