Photo down onto my plot thanks to Adamas & Sandra who have finally managed to move into their top floor flat that looks out onto the allotment. Sent to cheer me up, it gave me the opportunity to mark it up to let my daughter know which Daleks to fill up next with the grass cuttings they were proposing to drop off for me.
So I drew arrows pointing out the Daleks and noticed weeds in the bed that I had spread the spent compost coir from last year as soil conditioner in march. I circled the bed and sent an email asking that when they visited to drop off the grass, if they would hoe the bed and cover it up to stop the weeds getting worse.
It looks like they did a good job of weeding that bed, the flower buckets have timber cuttings from the Hawthorne that are under the glass to keep them dry so they could have been burnt at the end of March but that didn't happen because of the Corona virus lockdown. They will be nice and dry come September when we can once again have fires.

As requested Emma & Andy covered the bed with weed membrane, later in the day I got a video call and it was Emma, then I noticed that she was standing in front of my shed and said "why are you back on my allotment?" The answer was they had not left and had been there all day and had been somewhat busy.
What I was not expecting was that they were going to spend any more time there as they were supposed to be working on their own garden or so I though, the photos show the state of the weeds that had Started to take over the paths and along the wall that I could see from the aerial view. They decided to spend the day and tidy and make progress for me. They don't want me to loose the plot come inspection time, and want to help me get the infrastructure in place to make life easier in the future.
Weeds in the walking onion bed, paths and runner bean trench
Weeds in the gaps of the paving
Weeds in the paths have grown during the lockdown end of March to end of April
Additional Bed weeded and turned over, Frame put in place and from the look of it nicely levelled and covered to prevent weed growth until I can get down there to plant up with vegitables.
General view up the plot showing the paths all weeded
General view up the plot showing the paths all weeded
General view up the plot showing the paths all weeded
Bless them they cleared all the rubbish I had stored under the table and under the bench and have finished off clearing the patio area
View from the side access path looking into the potting bench that needs fixing, good to see that my temporary waterproofing works to the shed is still in place, but due to the corona virus no works have taken place to the unstable wall behind the shed.
I can't wait to try out my WORX battery powered jet wash on the patio area when I finally get back onto the plot
Emma & Andy worked bloody hard on my plot today and I would have loved nothing more than to have been down there with them. I'm so looking forward to when I can once again hug my daughter and physically show her how much I love her. Andy may even get a quick man hug as I have to say my daughter made a wise decision in saying yes to his proposal of marrage, they work so well together and make each other happy and laugh, which at the end of the day makes for a happy marrage and life.
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