Sunday 30 June 2024

Weeding & Excavating SFG Bed 1

Today has been spent clearing around the Square Foot Garden Bed 1, removing weeds and excavating the Mels Mix such that the bottom of the original single depth beds was found. The four square flower buckets to the left are filled with the Mels, Mix I have removed. 

View from the main path back to the Square Foot Gardening Beds 

Just over half of the Mels Mix removed from the single height frame. Still some mares tails roots to be removed before the magic cardboard goes into the bottom of the bed. Why do I call it magic cardboard because all the no dig merchants think it holds the weeds at bay, and it doesn't. The Magic Cardboard that I put in the bottom of this bed is not more, there was not a trace of it left, there was however the odd bit of tape that I had not removed that was found at the Mel's Mix and natural soil interface.   

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