Sunday, 15 December 2024

Feeding Worms, Clearing Raspberry Beds, Laying Paths

The level in the hot bin has dropped once more

The worms were active and visible this morning

I dragged the debris back from the metal  gate and woodchipped the mud path from the metal gate and compacted it back a few feet to reduce the amount of slippery mud we need to walk over to get to the gate. 

Barrow loads of mulch worthy woodchips for the Raspberry beds, and more path worthy added in front of the gate and compacted with the rake using it as a tamper. 

Clearing the middle raspberry bed of weeds. Stack of canes on the buckets on the right that were all cut up later in the morning.

Cut up the Raspberry canes and lay coffee grounds to half the middle bed

Quite a time was spent cutting up the raspberry canes, to go into the next raised bed.

A little more weeding and the rest of the bed can be mulched next visit , then the one behind can be cleared and mulched. Its going to take time and effort but my robin keeps me company and brings a smile to my face every time I see him. 

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