Saturday 11 May 2024

More Java Potatoes In Buckets

Seeing the pebble pool working in the sunshine, and Michelle's new bees visiting for a drink makes me smile and happy.

Today on the plot mixed up new and old compost for the Java main Crop Potatoes in Buckets and planted another 16 spuds worth, just a few more buckets to go and the spuds will be done. Photo above Java Maincrop at 1/3 depth of the bucket

Java Main crop potatoes at 2/3 depth of the bucket. 

Bucket topped up with compost.

Buckets moved to Bed 1 on the allotment and watered. Next lot of grass will go on top as a mulch.

The First Earlies are showing now. I attacked all the bindweed with weed killer until the weed killer ran out. Watered the Red Baron onions and reading all the Facebook posts about them it may have been a little foolish to have just grown the one variety this year, as they are prone to bolt, time will tell. Watered the two grapevines.

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