Saturday 25 May 2024

Hedge Trimmings & Potting Up Cucumbers


It was a short visit to the allotment this afternoon to do some watering and potting up of four varieties of cucumbers that have germinated this year.

The cucumbers had grown nicely in the self watering pop bottle propagators, but its time to move them on into vending machine cups with two drainage holes melted in the bottom. The Lazy Susan French beans were watered and I need to get the bed for those in the climbing frame greenhouse ready to receive the bean and the cucumbers. 

Emma did some weeding of the paths in between and around the raspberry bed and we had a black sack worth to bring home and go into the rubbish bin. 

Having just emptied the hedge cuttings from last year, we brought down the hedge cuttings that Emma created this morning. It saves her taking the bags to the dump and gives me material to go in the bottom of the next Square Foot Garden bed that needs to be extended higher. 

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