Monday 27 May 2024

Bank Holiday Monday Visit

Todays visit to the allotment between 10:15am - 3:00pm involved putting the hoop and debris netting on the new raised Square Foot Garden Bed next to the potting shed, to keep the foxes off and hopefully weed seeds as well.

I need to think about what to sow in the new higher bed and get some seeds sown.

The planks on the floor around the bed are for the bed behind which needs to be done next.

I filled the module with peat based compost, (I know I'm norty but I did stock up on it before they stopped letting us allotmenteers het hold of it) ready for sowing the Swift F1 Sweetcorn

Then consolidated the compost using another tray.

Then formed a depression in the middle of each module cell and sowed 15 Swift F1 sweetcorn's, one in the middle of each cell then filled to the top. 

Repeated sowing another two tray worth of Swift sweetcorn, plus one additional seed that was in the pack from Premier Seeds Direct. Placed two of the the modules in a gravel tray, and a single module in a bottom watering tray then watered the module cells until I saw the water coming out of the bottom. 

The Potting shed staging's after sowing the 46 Swift F1 Sweetcorn.

Swift F1 Sweetcorn on the left and Lazy Housewife French climbing beans on the right, which I why I ended working on the Climbing Frame Greenhouse, because those French beans and cucumbers need to go out into the world and grow. 

Blueberry Draper potted up into the 30Litre Square Flower Bucket full of Ericaceous compost which provides the perfect growing conditions for Blueberries.

Goji Berry No.1 Lifeberry potted up into a 30Litre Square Flower Bucket, this little plant has been in the potting shed for way too long waiting to be moved up to a larger pot.  

1st and 2nd Early potatoes in buckets have been growing well for some time. 

Main Crop Java Potatoes in Buckets now showing foliage above the top of the soil in the buckets. There was no foliage in the photos I took only on the 19th of May when I planted the last three buckets of potatoes. 

All Gold Raspberries, I was going to pick and bring them home then decided to eat them straight off the plant. They are so nice !

Finally getting the lower bed in this photo back filled and the kerb stone set.

I still have soil to backfill but the weather was on the change and I was hungry so I called it a day, and made my way home for a late lunch. I managed to get half way home before the heavens opened up and the rain fell.

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