
Tuesday 23 July 2024

Pruning the Grapevines


Seedless grapevines really have expanded their territory in the last month and had even stated to try and get into the greenhouse. Photograph taken before any trimming. Trimming back the grapevines so that more goodness can go into the grapes and less on gaining even more territory. Filled up the Hotbin with the leaves.

This is all new growth and it's covered the small pallet store that's against the wall.

View after some trimming back from the greenhouse and thinning out to expose the grapes a little

Flame Red (Seedless) grapes are plentiful if not small and still green at the moment.

I tried to keep leaf cover so the squirrels and birds don't spot them.

Flame Red (Seedless)

Still some more trimming to do next visit.

More trimming to do next visit

Quite a lot of grapes under all those leaves.

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