
Thursday 18 July 2024

Finishing Off SFG Bed 1


Morning spent on the allotment as it was a little overcast and sun and 31C is forecast to be coming and I desperately need to get back in control of the paths and get the bind weed off the onions and the raspberries.

The grass from the tug was broken up and laid over the woodchip then the Mels Mix was emptied back into the raised bed. The hoops were re installed but need to be pushed further into the ground, but I'm finding that difficult because of the arthritis in my hands and wrists.

I also started to weed SFG Bed 2 and ants came from everywhere, looks like ants are going to be a challenge in these raised beds.

A couple of guys turned up to clear plot 3A and start grinding the stumps. I warned then about the debris under, One guy flicked a nail up which pierced his ear Trump style and grazed his head and that was with facial protection. He ended being taken to the hospital for stiches and Tetanus jab.

Stump Grinder 

Close up of the grinding wheel 

A couple of guys turned up to clear plot 3A and start grinding the stumps. I warned then about the debris under. One guy flicked a nail up with his trimmer which pierced his ear Trump style and grazed his head and that was with wearing facial protection. He ended being taken to the hospital for stiches and Tetanus jab.

He came back later in the day and continued working, but I'm informed by Wally on the plot next door to plot 3A that the grinder lifted and fired more buried steel items at the two operatives. 

The plot needs properly clearing of all debris before they consider grinding. Myself and other plot holders have warned them what's below the bind weed and brambles either end of that plot, which they still have not fully uncovered. The were informed it was going to be a days work, in reality it's 2 - 3 days work with a couple of two man teams.    

Lifting the netting up around the beds and trimming the weeds.

I so often forget to take a before photograph and only take an after photo that I took a few of the paths before trimming. Hopefully you will see the improvement in photos taken during the next 7 - 10 days.  

I will be raising the narrow beds up to make working and weeding easier in the future.

So much bind weed I'm going to have to take long handled sears to this bed to clear the path and the bed.

Beginning to look better just for the trimming of the weeds around the beds

This is the area where I will be replacing the long beds with two smaller raised beds to make maintenance easier 

Paths after trimming the weeds back, I need some good path quality woodchip and then to remove the woodchips that are now supporting life and replace them with path quality woodchips. 

I will let the sun dry up the weeds and then sweep them up on a future visit.

Jane will be visiting again in a couple of weeks to review the condition of the plots so I need to get Avalon looking in a better state than it is at the moment as last thing I want is a no cult notice. 

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