
Wednesday 8 May 2024

SFG Bed 2 goes Hügelkultur

My sister came this morning to help me with my socks and medical boots, and it was off for the morning and little bit of the afternoon on the allotment. I watered what's growing in the potting shed and then attacked the plum tree that has never given me a fruit as its getting way too big. I'm going to use it to fill the bottom of my now extended raised Square Foot Gardening bed next to the potting shed.

Lazy Housewife French Climbing Beans doing well

Cucumbers doing well in the self watering pop bottle propagators

One of my new favorite tools the Bamse Mini Chainsaw came out to play and  I have to say it was £39.99 well spent, makes cutting the tree back really easy. 

View from the path between plot 2 & 3 the Plum tree has been trimmed from the front and back 

I cut up as much as I could in the sun and then took the wheel barrow to SFG Bed 2

View from the potting shed of Square Foot Garden Bed 2 before adding the contents of the wheel barrow. To save buying lots of compost or soil I'm layering the bottom of the bed with the branches from the plum tree that I'm reducing and possibly removing in my take on a Hügelkultur Square Foot Gardening Raised Bed.

Contents of the wheel barrow added

First bag of weathered bark from Wally added to the bed and watered in. Lots more tree to cut up and the promise of grass cutting from my sister in the next couple of days, the bed will slowly get filled. 

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