
Thursday 9 May 2024

Potatoes In Buckets

Again thank to my sister for sorting out my socks and medical boots, early this morning so I could get to the allotment again between 10:00 - 13:30 and worked in the sun (sun block applied) to get some main crop potatoes into buckets, trim the path to the entrance and add grass clippings as mulch to the potatoes, SFG Bed 2 and the Hotbin.

Java Main Crop Potatoes added to the buckets at 1/3 depth of the bucket

Then another two spuds added at 90 degrees at 2/3 depth of the bucket, then topped up to about 25- 30mm from the top of the bucket.

Main crop Java spuds in buckets moved to Bed 1 and watered in then a layer of grass clippings added to the top of the buckets as a mulch.

Buckets ready for mixing more old and new compost together next visit to get more Main Crop Java spuds out of the potting shed and into the buckets to grow.

KC5383 Grapevine Plant - Flame Red (Seedless) Grapevine to the right of the comfrey pipe bursting into leaf.

KA1985 Grapevine (Vitis) Lakemore White (Seedless) to the left of the comfrey pipe also bursting into leaf 

The weed killer has finally worked on the bindweed to the runner bean climbing frame

Walking onion Bed needs the timber framing re installed around it on a future visit.

Cut Branches that need processing i.e. cutting up further and adding to the Square Foot Gardening Bed 2 next to the potting shed. 

Nettles in bed next to Hotbin need to be removed, Grass clippings from my sister also added to the Hotbin today.

Grass clippings over from the potatoes in buckets & filling the Hotbin were added to the weathered woodchips and branches from the trimmed tree and watered in. Coffee grounds also added. It's going to take some time to get this bed to a level where the excavated Mel's Mix can be put back in but little and often and suddenly the bed will be ready to use, and I can move on to sorting out the Square Foot Gardening Bed 1 next door. 

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