
Sunday 7 January 2024

In My Seed Box for 2024 - Parsnips


In 2023 I ended up growing nearly a full bed of Parsnips, didn't quite get the full 105 but 96 was close enough.  After discussions with my daughters we have decided to grow two full beds of parsnips using the germinate on damp kitchen roll in a Chinese take-a-way container and transplant into a loo roll technique.

The 105 sheet planting membrane will be used again in 2024, as the spacing of the planting holes gives reasonable sized roots.  

In 2023 I grew Tender and True, Gladiator F1 and Student. The germination rates in the Tender & True & Student were not good, but the Gladiator F1 was, so that's what I'm going to grow in 2024. 

So my mission for this morning was to see what the differences are between number of seeds and price per pack from all the UK seed companies I have listed on the left margin at  

Parsnip Gladiator F1 has become an established leading early to mature variety. The smooth skinned roots that is easy to peel, and because most of the parsnip flavour is just behind the surface, it keeps more of its delightful really sweet flavour and a bonus is that this variety is canker resistant. 

Parsnips generally get sweeter after a frost because freezing converts part of the starch into sugar.

Germination seedlings appear 14 - 32 days 

Protect early sowings with cloches if soil is cold and wet

leave roots in the ground as flavour is improved by frost. leave remaining roots in February and store undamaged roots in sand in a dry frost-free area or process and freeze.    

Varieties Grown over the last 10 years 

Gladiator F1
Palace F1
Picador F1
Tender and True
TZ 9045 F1
White Gem
Warrior F1  

What Varieties do you grow and had the most success with?

When do you sow your Parsnips?

Do you chit the seeds or Sow Direct?

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