
Saturday 14 October 2023

Tomato That Looked Like A Bum.

Emma is looking after Evie over the weekend so this morning they both popped down to the allotment so that I didn't have to get in and out of the car twice to get into the car park and lock it up after me.

They also helped me take into the allotment four sacks of shredded paper that I have produced over the week whilst sorting out my man-cave broom cupboard office.
Emma & Evie harvested more red tomatoes from the greenhouse, and Evie had great delight in showing me the tomato that looked like a Bum. They then left me to go on their own weekend adventures, taking ripe Butternut squash with them.
I cut up over ripe cucumbers for the worm farm and the little fellows have smashed all the stuff I put in there two weeks ago.
As of this weekend I'm halfway through my radiation therapy and it was awesome to get out of the house and spend the morning on the allotment. I did however fall straight to sleep after lunch for a few hours.
So two Daleks on Bed 6 once again topped up with paper and greens.

The tomato that looked like a Bum

Evie's harvest

I only managed to get one tray of broad beans sown, as I ran out of time and didn't have the right tray down there for the second pack

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