
Sunday 15 October 2023

Half Way Through My Radiation Treatment

Emma informed me that she likes Broad Beans so with space free on the plot it was a no brainer to get some sown. Emma took me to the allotment for a short visit.

I need to get another root trainer kit for next year as they are easier to get the small plants out when potting on.

I have the right sized trowel for every task.

I found my two frames of root trainers in the Plot 1 Greenhouse and the filling and sowing took place in the potting shed.

The three water melons now yellow came home with me today.

A few spuds from a bucket
With my mobility issues at the moment everything takes longer to do than it used too, plus being half way through my radiation treatment I've only got impulse power and no warp capability.
I loved sitting in the direct sunlight with the sun warming my body in addition to the fleece I was wearing and having a natter and a rest from standing with Wally (my plot neighbour) He is a good lad and arranged to leave when I was ready so I didn't have to get out of the car twice to lock the gate behind me.

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