
Wednesday 13 September 2023

Relay Path To Make Step Shallow

Todays mission on the allotment was to lift the paving slabs from the corner of the potting shed to the entrance and bring the levels up such that the step up and down into the potting shed is easier at my current level of mobility.

So with this task in mind and found that the woodchip was everything but. Its an ideal mulch or brown additive for a composting Dalek but as It's all I can lay my hands on I went and filled the first wheelbarrow and then proceeded to lift the slabs.

View from the Plot 1 shed after lifting the slabs.

View from the mobility walker with seat that is the ideal height for me to get up from. I place the walker against the shed so that there is resistance when I stand. Originally this was picked up for my wife Jenny and has been in storage. It's ideal as it helps me get stuff to and from the car and helps keep me steady.

Leaf mould / woodchip laid ready for relaying the paving slabs

Slabs laid and the photograph taken during my next rest period. I'm having to learn to take breaks and a swig of drink and pace myself.

The square foot garden bed on the left is one that I'm going to extend higher to make it more manageable for me next year.

I ended up placing a slab across the joint of two others and made a 20mm step making the difference in level smaller still.

Again a view from the 4 wheel mobility frame with seat during another short break.

Empty Potato in Buckets stacked.

View of the mobility walker with seat that is the ideal height for me to get up from. I place the walker against the shed so that there is resistance when I stand. Originally this was picked up for Jenny and has been in storage. Its ideal as it helps me get stuff to and from the car and helps keep me steady.

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