
Tuesday 12 September 2023

Count Your Blessings

I took myself to the allotment this morning to harvest some more potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and onions as Emma is baking some sauce from the excess tomatoes tonight.

The walker helped me get all the stuff I brought with me from the car to the sheds. 
Until you loose your mobility, you just don't realised just how blessed you are when your body is working as it should do.

Frequent stops and sitting on the walker which is just the right height to allow me to stand from the seat to continue after a breather, and a drink. The photo of me above was sent to my daughters to show them I was taking rests and not over doing things.

Emma's warning rang in my ears from Sunday and the suntan lotion was applied. Its way too late to catch up with my usual tan now, and I have been warned to use something over factor 30 for the rest of my life.

The path to the potting shed that needs regrading and bring up to reduce the step height in and out

The path to the potting shed that needs regrading and bring up to reduce the step height in and out of the potting shed. 

First bucket of Charlotte Potatoes

The second bucket of Charlotte potatoes

The third Bucket of Charlotte Potatoes

Third Buckets worth of Charlottes


Lots of Crystal Apple Cucumbers to be harvested

Lots of Crystal Apple Cucumbers to be harvested

Butternut squash invading the adjacent bed

Butternut squash cutting that need to find there way to a Dalek

Off to the car with the harvest and then home. 

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