
Wednesday 12 July 2023

Watch Your Back - Protective Clothing

Protective clothing


Clothing should always be the first line of defence when it comes to sun protection.


Always wear a protective hat; your forehead, scalp and ears are high risk areas for skin cancers, and even more so if you are bald or have thinning hair, so wear something with a legionnaire flap at the back.


Wear clothing that protects arms and legs; ideally choose garments with a tight weave as these offer the best protection.


When the day heats up, it is a natural impulse to remove clothing, which can mean you are exposing skin that has not been sun protected. Keep a light top on and protected exposed areas.


There has been an increase in the early formation of cataracts linked to prolonged sun exposure over recent years. Wear wraparound sunglasses which offer all round protection.

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