
Thursday 13 July 2023

Watch Your Back - General Sun Sense

General sun sense



Time flies when you are preoccupied, so add a timer on your phone or watch to remind you to reapply sunscreen every few hours, and to seek shade during the hottest part of the da



Drink often and preferably with water as this is the best way to hydrate. Keep a reusable bottle topped up and at hand



If you are gardening or working in an area which receives full sun, why not put up a makeshift umbrella/parasol, sun tent/gazebo or choose a spot in the shade instead?



The UV Index scale is a great tool to tell you how quickly sunburn can occur. When the UV index hits 3, use sun protection and watch out for surfaces like sand which can reflect UV light



Greenhouses and polytunnels can protect skin against UVB rays which cause burning, however not UVA ray which causes premature ageing, so take the same precautions as if you were gardening outside.


A tan is a great way to prematurely age your skin, encourage age spots and thread veins, as well as heightening the possibility of developing something more serious.

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