
Wednesday 7 June 2023

Watering Visit

3 Hours on the allotment late this afternoon after I finally managed to get into the dam thing after some numpty put the combination lock on the wrong way round.

Some heavy watering of the main path and the boundary beds as the grass has started to turn to straw and the All Gold Raspberries really need a good drowning.
The four rows of Raspberries also got a good watering, as did the Rhubarb and the greenhouse climbing frame. The hedging material I buried under the raised bed is doing a good job of holding the moisture in, as the bed remains wet looking 24 hours later after being in direct sunlight all day.
Cucumbers finally starting to grow up the side of the climbing walls. Cardboard cut up over the last couple of days added to an Active Dalek along with a layer of coffee grounds to bring the level back up to the top. Making compost is getting ready for next years growing season.
Plot 1 Greenhouse water tower support removed fixed and returned to the greenhouse, the water tank tap needs re sealing before filling up. A better Quadgrow watering dip stick made to replace the silly little timber coffee spoon dip stick they supply with the Quadgrow.
Hospital tomorrow so no visit until Friday when I hope to get the tomatoes into the Quadgrows in the Plot 1 Greenhouse

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