
Friday 9 June 2023

Quadgrows In Greenhouse

A Game of two half's today on the allotment with a break to go home for lunch and to pick up a bag of westland BIG TOM compost.

A couple of barrowloads of the solid dry path worthy woodchip off the top of what remains of the pile and reline the first path between the Raspberries.
Clear and clean the Plot 1 Greenhouse and the Quadgrows and then set them up, plant them out and build a Chinese Bamboo Scaffolding system to hold everything up.
Emma popped in after work and cleared the 1.2m x 1.2m bed on Plot 1A and the limited germination of the second sweetcorn ALL 5 of them from a whole pack were put in with reserve Butternuts.

Clear and clean the Plot 1 Greenhouse and the Quadgrows and then set them up, plant them out and build a Chinese Bamboo Scaffolding system to hold everything up.

Filling up the Quadgrows with water. I'm trying a new configuration this year and have unlinked two of the reservoirs to make them independent.

Quadgrow water reservoirs took a little time to fill up

Then the lids went on.

And finally the inspection covers.

The Dip Stick I made to replace the silly long timber coffee stirring one supplied with the Quadgrows. I allowed a little space for watering in the pots and allowing the water to drain into the reservoir.

I used a vending machine cup filled with compost to make the shaped hole for the transplants to go into.

Tomatoes transplanted and caps added, I never did find that missing cap !!! I also resealed the tap in the water butt today that will hold the water and feed for topping the Quadgrows up when they need it.

Chinese Bamboo Scaffold held together with cable ties.

Chinese Bamboo Scaffold

Anti- Fox & Cat guard and with temperatures reaching 40C in there today when it's only in the 20's C outside the door will be left open to aid the venting of the greenhouse via the two solar powered fans in the dormer extension to the roof.

I need to make an infill rather than using clips and the mesh shelves from old blow-a-way greenhouses.

Sweetcorn and Butternut squash in 1.2m x 1.2m small bed on plot 1A

The leaf bin is now full as Andy has bought all the leaf's he collected in Autumn to the plot. The Brocolli bed is looking very good

Cauliflower bed, I need two more plants for complete the bed. They are in the potting shed but need potting on before coming out.

4 x Butternut squash one in each corner and two Courgettes in the middle two holes, looking OK

Sweetcorn and Butternut squash that went in the other day looking OK

Parsnips look like they need another little weeding session and I need to sow some more to fill in the gaps where they have not germinated.

Potatoes coming through but not doing as well as the Charlott's

Rhubarb needs weeding and Raspberries need removing from their beds

New laid Woodchip path between the winter Raspberries

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