
Saturday 27 May 2023

Full Day On The Plot

It's been about 10 hours on the allotment today which I started by making a planting membrane sheet specifically for the Butternut Squash and Courgette bed.

I opened the potting shed door in the morning to find that the Cookie Fairy had left a Chocolate Chip Cookie and a cake thinking that only one daughter would be with me but I had both of my girls with me this morning for a while.

Daughters Emma & Kelly Wooldridge worked on more Mares Tail removal from the Rhubarb Beds and then weeding the parsnip beds with the instruction that anything outside the loo roll was fair game. They both now know what Mares Tail looks like and I showed then what Parsnip leafs look like.
Kelly and I got the Butternut Squash and Courgettes In as Emma did more weeding.
Kelly worked on trimming the plum tree back more, as Emma did more weeding. We had a break and I had a cup of coffee and then they left me to my own devices
More plants got potted up, Plants got watered, and all the potted up plants had some time in the bath to take up water, as there is no top watering in the potting shed.
Melon planted out under glass on the grapevine bed.
Plant clips added to the greenhouse climbing frame ready for when the Luffa and Cucumbers start climbing.
Hoops and Debris netting added to the Butternut squash and Courgette Bed to keep the foxes out of it.
Lazy Housewife Runner Beans transplanted into the Cantilever Bean Bed.

Parsnip bed before weeding, I have at least 6 more parsnips to grow and however how many empty planting holes I find next visit, so I have a full bed of 105 Parsnips.

Parsnip bed after weeding

Butternut Squash & Courgette with blue waterpipe hoops in place

Butternut Squash & Courgette bed with Hoops which are covered with debris netting to keep the foxes at bay.

Broccoli Blue Finn divided up and ready for potting on.

Broccoli Blue Finn after potting on.

Broccoli Blue Finn having a dunk in the bath tray.

Jens Forget Me Nots

Jens Forget Me Nots

Jens Forget Me Nots before being put in the hoop house to stop the foxes digging them out. I need to make a mesh cage to go on top to stop basil and his mates digging them out.

Vegetable clips added above each plant, in anticipation of them growing and getting past the slugs and snails. When I'm in hospital my daughters will not need to look for the clips they will be there for them.

Water Melon went in under glass in the Grapevine bed

Kitchen area had a tidy and I've written on the tins what's inside again to make it easy for my daughters when they are looking after the plot for me.

Lazy Housewife Climbing/ Running Beans. I dug a hole and filled it with Dalefoot Composts Vegetable Compost, inserted the plant and then filled in with more Dalefoot Compost.

Lazy Housewife Climbing/ Running Beans. I dug a hole and filled it with Dalefoot Composts Vegetable Compost, inserted the plant and then filled in with more Dalefoot Compost.

Lazy Housewife Climbing/ Running Beans

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