
Friday 26 May 2023

Allotment Site Reps Meeting

Allotment site reps meeting this morning and a couple of hours on the plot this afternoon. Enjoying the sunshine and the pebble pool watching the bees coming and having a drink and listening to the birds.

I find the allotment so good for my mental well being and Radio Static that is playing constantly in my left ear seems to become much quieter when I'm on the allotment plot.
I put on some sun block when I arrived, although I knew I would be spending time in the potting shed as well as outside.
Had a chat with a couple of plot neighbours as they walked by. Being on plot 1 everyone walks past, but these days they don't always notice me if I'm in the potting shed beavering away.
I harvested a couple of early rouge raspberries that are trying to escape their bed and coming up in the Square Foot Gardening Bed, and gave them to my plot neighbour that want some of that variety .
Washed all the self watering pop bottle propagators as I will be keeping these ones as since the love of my life departed we just don't go through as many pop bottles as we use too.

Potted up Micro Tom and Red Robin Tomatoes for the Westland Horticulture V Dalefoot Composts challenge or head to head I'm planning this year.

Solar Powered Battery Chargers doing their job for the DAB Radio in the Potting shed. I have two sets one in the radio and the other in the chargers.

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