
Sunday 12 February 2023

Slowly Moving Forward


More clearance of the Hawthorne, brambles and bind weed has taken place in what I now know can be the potting shed area. I had to request permission for the potting shed as it would take me slightly over the area one is allowed per plot, but I'm within the total area for the two half plots I have. 

Under the councils rules I'm allowed a shed up to 1.6m x 1.8m which is 6ft x 8ft on each plot, what I have however is a 1.8m x 1.2m or 6ft x 4ft shed on each plot. 

So my total shed space is within the limit. It would appear because the potting shed is also considered as half a greenhouse, I'm still well within my permitted shed area. 

I moved the rubber play mast that I picked up from Freecycle to the storage area to the rear of the shed on plot 1. 

The woodchips have been degrading well there and the fact the roof has no guttering and the covered storage area drains directly on the path, it can get a little soft and boggy behind there, There is enough rubber matting to give me a path behind the shed on plot 1A as well. 

I love the Equigrow range of products, click Here to find out more about them, their Fertile Mulch, Premium Soil Conditioner and Organic Green Compost.  

3 sacks when raked out is just about right for a 2.4m x1.2m or 8ft x 4ft bed.

One of the half width beds, was given a couple of sacks of Equigrow Premium Soil Conditioner and covered with it's winter blanket, which will help with warming the soil up and encouraging the worms to take the soil conditioner into the bed. 

If you feed your soil and look after it then it feeds your plants and ultimately your plants feed you.  

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