
Monday 13 February 2023

Completing the Boundary Beds

So here is the condition that I left the allotment Saturday afternoon. I had more of less a full day of allotment therapy. I started by filling the trays with Starbucks Coffee grounds in the plot 1A greenhouse, so they can dry out. I then moved on to tidying up and moving all the flower buckets with decaying weeds and stones and soil next to the Dalek's, as I will use some of this in the bottom of the raised beds.

It's very strange not shoehorning visits to the allotment and being able to take breaks for a coffee, water, snack or a chat with an allotment neighbour because until recently I have always needed to get back home to look after my wife. 

For the first time in a very long time I decided I would go to the café I used to frequent about 20 years ago when I was working on construction site projects. 

So my lunch was a nice Georges Café Special Full English breakfast complete cup of coffee.  

On returning to the allotment, I was still on my own, and just got on with de-nailing the timbers and cutting, drilling and then screwing the lengths of timber together to make another boundary raised bed to take me to the plots entrance off the main path. 

Having screwed the ends and middle spacer, I flipped the whole lot over and laid the other long side on top and screwed it together with 4 long screws. 

I have two battery screwdrivers so I can have the drill in one and the screwdriver bit in the other, and each one comes with two batteries that I made sure were fully charged as I will need them when the potting shed finally comes and needs to be erected / assembled. 

These beds need moving and the bind weed and other weeds dug up and removed before the boundary beds are put in their final location, but we are getting there. 

I need to get the stumps and roots of the Hawthorne out, I may ask idverde to get it out when they visit with the mini digger if that happens this coming week.

Michelle has some yellow Raspberries that she will be thinning and my plan is to grow them in the boundary beds, as I have a double compost bin of Ericaceous Compost that I made using the very acidic apples from the home apple trees. 

I have four scaffold tubes and will space them equally along the boundary bed.

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