
Monday 29 March 2021

Plot Clearance Plus

Up at the crack of dawn and down on the allotment around 7:30 . I took 6 paving blocks per flower bucket with me and placed 6 around 3 beds for holding the weed and planting membrane in place.

The back seats were slid forward and by the time Emma arrived on the site I had filled the car and had started filling more sacks with rubbish. In no time at all we had also filled up Emma's little car and we made our way for your appointment at the dump.

All the blow-a-way frames and miscellaneous debris I had inherited and stacked on the edges of the plot is now gone!

On our return to the plot in the afternoon I located my brother-in-laws post hammer that had been borrowed without asking and managed to drive four of the six posts. The bees and wasps were drinking water on the tarp at the other two locations so I've left those for another day when the bees and wasps are not so active.

Emma Wooldridge and her ruggedly handsome father working on the plot.

All work undertaken whilst social distancing. 

The post with and the post behind the owl to be driven another day.

The compost coir mix from 2020's tomatoes grown at home used as a soil conditioner on the bed that was covered with the timber joist a few days ago.

Emma discovered how much work is involved removing mares tail from the plot whilst digging and weeding Square Foot Garden Bed 2.

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