
Tuesday 30 March 2021

Coir Dustbin


The coir blocks I have from the Pound Shop need 3 litres of warm/hot water per block to rehydrate them to 10 litres of coir and I only have a small 1 litre kettle and gas ring on the plot so have decided to re hydrate them at home and then take them to the plot.

I will need somewhere to store the coir on the allotment before I use it mixed with the compost for my potatoes in buckets. 

So following a little desk study/ surf on the internet, I decided on buying a Wicks Heavy Duty Black Dustbin 90L

Diameter 480mm, Height 700mm, made of Black Polypropylene, Lid Locking and Cost £14

Heavy-duty reinforced base and easy-lift lid.

The coir blocks are in plastic bags, and I put one block in each of four square flower buckets and boiled 12 litres of water and ended up with 40 litres of Coir to take to the allotment. 

I placed two paving blocks on each bucket, loaded them in the car and took them to the allotment together with the additional three 40L Wicks general purpose compost for £12 that I also bought this morning.    

On arriving at the plot it was nice to see that idverde had cut the grass on the main path and from the looks of it made a great job of it. 24C and Sunny.  I placed the Bin near to the shed and the paving blocks went to the next bed that needed them. 

I thought I would take a quick whizz around the plot 1 greenhouse now it clear of all the bags of rubbish again. 

The tulips are really enjoying the late March sun and warm temperatures 

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