
Friday 26 March 2021

My Awesome Daughters

My daughters have been gathering all the debris primarily biodegradable milk bottles and other rubbish and helping me tidy up the allotment. 

The cunning plan for Friday was that Emma would help me in the morning as she had booked leave and Kelly would help me in the afternoon as she had booked the afternoon off. The objective being to sort and bag as much rubbish as possible as they have booked my car and kellys car for a dump run for Monday mid morning.

I've been antibiotics for cellulitis that has flared up in my leg and foot and my stomach decided that it wanted to play up which meant not going too far away from a loo, so Emma tidied up the Potting area around the greenhouse on plot 1A on her own and sent me photos when she was not sure what was and was not rubbish. 

The potting area without the grape vine and bind weed and all the detritus bagged up and placed in the greenhouse in sacks ready for taking to the tip on Monday.

Kelly helped me clear up the back garden in the afternoon and we have placed all the bags of rubbish in the utility shed ready for the tip run on Monday. I have to say I'm really blessed with two awesome Daughters who have lifted my spirits so much and have made me feel like I have the possibility of getting the plot ready for the 2021 summer growing season. They are both truly inspirational.  

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