
Saturday 27 March 2021

Greenhouse Plot 1A

The photo above shows all the debris and rubbish that myself and my girls have been bagging up ready for the Monday tip run. 

I hit the allotment early and set about clearing the Greenhouse on Plot 1A which was full of milk bottles that I have been collecting and sand that I have been drying ion order to make milk bottle soft brick, basically milk bottles full of sand. 

The problem is that all of the bottles are degrading and need replacing and actually it's a right royal pain in the rear end doing this and it just makes a mess everywhere. I have a couple of stacks of paving blocks that I made into a dry bonded BBQ in the back garden and as the wife can no longer go out into the direct sun for fear of cancer because of her medication we have not really used the BBQ for some time. 

So the decision was made to collect all the sand and bag up all the degrading milk bottles and replace them with the paving blocks to hold down the weed membrane and the planting membrane and netting. 

I ended up cutting these bottles down and staking them in each other just to reduce the volume and in the end managed to get them all in the cardboard box on the handle bars of the wheel barrow. I bagged up many other items of detritus ready for Monday and spent all morning on the plot.

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