
Thursday 30 January 2020

Mentioned In Dispatches II

Thompson & Morgan asked their favourite bloggers for their top tips for an article called Top Tips ForAllotments” and yours truly is featured.

Below are my full answers to their questions 

How To Plan Your Plot 

I started my Allotment Journal off as a Blog page in 2012 when I got my first half plot. On the top of my blog are pages, Plans for Mill Green Plot 1 , Plans for Mill Green Plot 1A and Sowing and Planting Plan

How To Make Your Allotment More Productive  

I have a drawing of both of my plots and I use those to plan and rotate my beds. With a growing number of beds becoming available in 2020 the dynamic will change next year. My Journal / blog keeps my reviews for the past and To Do List for the future. It also keeps the catalogue of what's in my seed boxes and what I plan to grow each year.

How To Decide What To Grow On Your Allotment 

When I first got my allotment we had a family meeting to work out what I should grow and that logically works out to be what we like to eat. 

How To Choose between old favourites and New Varieties 

I'm the kind of allotment owner that likes to try new and old varieties and I have been fortunate with seed sales and also being sent new varieties by Seed companies to trial. I also like to try growing something new, last year was Kiwano, this year are two varieties of melon.

Top Tips To Get The Most From Your Allotment

With regards advice and care tips to ensure best crops and max enjoyment of the allotment lifestyle, read what it says on the back of seed packets and also look on the suppliers web sites and take notice of the growing advice. 

Do little and often and never let a weed see a Sunday if at all possible. 

The allotment should be your happy place where no worries exist and it's cheaper than therapy. 

If you start digging you will always attract the interest of at least one robin who will keep you company, listen to your waffling but never answer any of your questions. Then comes the day when you crack making compost and you never realised that attracting so many worms would put a smile that large on your face.  

 I could not help myself when turning and filling up the Daleks.

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