
Monday 26 September 2016

Plot 1A Clean Up Plot 23B Compost

Rain in the early hours but finally it stopped, the wife exclaimed surly your not going to the allotment it's been raining? I informed her the is always something to do on the allotment and made my way a little later than usual.

First surprise was that the contractor has installed a new fence between us and them and in the process has pulled back the topsoil and crated a mound behind the gate that we mainly use for access, as the other drags on the ground. (Yet another fine example of council contractor workmanship and repair)

So I will need to have a chat with the site manager and the council officer who appears to have dropped off the planet and is not processing calls or requests. The parks department are about to be tuped to a contractor who is taking over the parks departments for four councils and the current staff appear to be treading water even more than usual as a result.

The objective of the visit today was to clear up as much as possible as access is restricted due to the site now being active. Apart from Saturday afternoon and Sunday we can't park anywhere near, in fact now more workers are parking down Mill Green during the week effectively making it a single lane and the blind bend courtesy of the anti Gypsy caravan humps and vegetation has already caused an accident on the corner.

The video below shows the state of the plot, and it is in a state because I have not been doing the mid week visits because of the restricted access.

In the afternoon I cut the grass in the back garden which resulted in two sacks of grass clippings, then a visit to Emma (eldest daughter) resulted in four sacks of leafs from a back and side garden clean up. I can see many more sacks of leafs coming my way from that direction. These were all taken to Spencer Road and decanted into Daleks 1 & 2 in layers and the excess leafs were stored in the square Dalek 3 for later use.

A carrier bag of Crimson crush green tomatoes were harvested as the ones brought home and placed in the greenhouse are turning red nicely, and for no other reason than I want to clear the beds at spencer road and tidy them up a little.

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