
Sunday 25 September 2016

Committee Meeting and Digging Potatoes

There was a committee meeting today on Spencer Road supposed to be at 10:00 so I made my way down to the plot and started to clear the potatoes whilst waiting for everyone to arrive.

Three people turned up some with their families to view the vacant plots and have taken them so we are left with the two worst plots 5a & 5b to let. The meeting clicked off around half an hour late due to the viewings but getting people to take on the neglected plots can only be good.

The minutes and items from the last meeting were dealt with and new items. The key items were:-

·         As at today there are only 2 vacant plots, 5a and 5b (previously Mac’s plot)

·         Over the summer Plot holders have been reminded not to leave hosepipes unattended and this has generally solved the issue

·         Dumping. Some green waste has been dumped near the back of the plots, committee members to watch out for any more.

·         Some rubbish has been placed against the fence ready to burn in October. Derek has spoken to the plot holder responsible, all rubbish should be on the allotment holder’s plot.
·         Derek informed everyone that the bees near the main path are not dangerous.
·         Derek has replaced the padlock on the gate next to the park and it has been welded on.

·         Trevor asked whether plot holders that leave have to clear their plots e.g. of any plastic play equipment. They are not obliged to apparently.

·         Keith Bedford (my brother-in-law) is keen to join the committee. He will be nominated and invited to attend the next meeting.  Anybody else that is keen is welcome to join. The committee wants to get everyone involved. Alan to write a committee invitation for the notice board and also a request for email addresses. Alan will set up a distribution list so that people can be emailed about manure, woodchip, seed swaps etc. Derek to email the list of plots and names to Alan.
·         Horse manure – Joe will order some (1/2 load or full?) The committee are confident that the pile will be cleared quickly by plot holders.
·         The parks department is being taken over by a private contractor from Feb 17 so the future is unknown. Jackie ( the Allotment officer at the council) might not stay in her current role.

·         Maggie suggested that we have a table near the exit where we can leave surplus seeds or produce. The committee members thought this was a good idea, the where and how need to be sorted out.

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