
Sunday 21 February 2016

Shaggy Weed Membrane and Plot 1A

Rain yesterday and today I needed to drop off my daughter to work mid morning so decided that a morning of welding up the edges of weed membrane on sheets that will get used on plot 23B. It's really quite cold and the soldering iron cutting of the membrane is not a quick as when it's being done when the temperatures are better plus everything needed to be weighed down to stop it flapping or blowing away.

Plot 1A - the over wintering onions in the greenhouse were extremely dry as I have not been down there for a few weeks so they had a good watering. Some sand from the milk bottles had dried enough to re -fill some younger plastic bottles

The daffs & bluebells in the comfrey bed are doing well

The Parsnips I left to go to seed and covered with a cloche are doing extremely well

The over wintered cabbage is not doing bad

Over wintered onions holding there own at the moment.

At home I have been clearing out the space saver greenhouse and gradually getting it ready for spring sowings.

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