
Tuesday 23 February 2016

A Compost Bin and 30 Litres of Coffee Grounds.

I was second in wanting a compost bin on freecycle and the first person never showed, so I scored another Dalek for Plot 23B which was picked up from Worcester Park and dropped off to the allotment this afternoon.

The local Pizza shop has been saving me 10 litre buckets with lids that originally had food stuff in them.

My sister Elaine managed to score me two more sacks of coffee grounds that filled three of the 10 litre bucket containers. So once the grounds have dried out they will come with me to plot 23B. I will use them to weigh down the tarp until they are needed and as fertiliser and compost dalek activator. The 4th bucket in the picture has my seedling compost in to keep slugs and snails out.

I've also been compressing paper shredding's into one of the bucket/containers with lids and that will go down to plot 23B for when I finally get the compost bins set up and compost production really starts. The plan is to have the material I need to fill it with alternating greens and browns, I hopefully will be able to gather cut grass from the top end of the allotment once the council do their first cut of the season.

The local greasy spoon also supplied me with 6 more mushroom trays and large cardboard egg trays for chitting my next lot of spuds. I love the recycle /repurposing element of owning an allotment.

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