
Tuesday 29 September 2015

Work Stops Play

Work has been getting in the way of plot time for the last week and weekend, but on Sunday afternoon of the 25th I did manage a quick visit to drop off the sack of corn wrappings and shredded paper to top up the compost bins that levels had dropped enough to accommodate it on plot 1A

Picked up a timber pallet from Plot 1A and dropped it off to 23B which now has mini lakes formed on top of the plastic covering the weeds for the fire. With the rush job now being completed and the weather being dry for the next few days and the weekend plus we are going into October and allowed to have fires I'm hoping to get down to 23B and get some more weeds dug out and a couple of fires sorted.     

Picked up a sack of coffee grounds which need to go down to 1A and be spread out on the tin trays in the greenhouse to dry out ready for bagging up to use as fertiliser next year. Some will go into the cores of the compost heaps over winter to keep the heat up and attract the red wigglers in to do their thing.

I really want the end of the plot cleared to get the compost bins in at 23A sorted as soon as possible as composting production at 1A needs to come to an end this year so that the produce can be used on 23B next year, and composting production on 23B will start next year.

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