
Sunday 20 September 2015

Harvesting Swift Sweetcorn

Well between Monday 14 - Saturday 19 not much gardening has gone on, I did manage one visit to offload the BBQ to my daughters boyfriend in exchange for a couple of Daleks although the concept of I will have them if they are "all there" obviously didn't hit home with him as one has no lid!

Saturday 19th September 2015 I started breaking out the old fence post and foundations and erected the new post after screwing on the battens that hold the panel in place. the fence is back in but it needs a couple of tweaks, and behind the ketter store needs cleaning out before I can put the cold frame back in its place. 

Sunday 20th September 2015 the plan was to visit Mill Green Plot 1A and harvest the sweetcorn then go to plot 23B, the reality was that the runner beans had gone nuts, they come home no one in the family needs anymore so my neighbour Sid had them and will no doubt share them with his daughters when they visit.

Dalek 4 had dropped about 225mm 9" and was topped up again with sweetcorn foliage and stems plus a layer of comfrey. Dalek 3 also ended up filled up to the brim. In addition there are so many tomatoes on the Crimson Crush that I have harvest two cat litter tray fill and they are now in residence in the greenhouse to ripen. There are still a lit of fruit on the crimson crush it has to be said they are a prolific tomato and if not too expensive I would buy seeds. I have saved seeds just to see what they revert to next year.

Most of the cucumbers have turned yellow and the plant was dying so I harvested the last two good ones and the rest when into the compost. The Red grapes are starting to take a bashing so I brought a load home.

Once home the skinning and freezing of the corn got underway and the freezer is now restocked with sweetcorn and I hear my darling daughters Emma & Kelly are taking some away with them next week.

There are three Butternut Squash ready for harvesting but I will get them next visit as we have not used the last one I harvested yet.

here is a little Vlog

I ran out of time and didn't manage to get to plot 23B at all this Sunday

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