
Tuesday 18 August 2015

Over Winter Japanese Senshyu Onions

Doctors yesterday to get some antibiotics as my finger as it is getting bigger and is very tender, lets hope they kick in soon you would not think that something like a whitlow could be so painful especially if you knock the bloody thing.

The Japanese Senshyu onions are looking good and only a few modules still to show. I have sown another 60 module tray of Senshyu onions today

It's worth taking a chance on overwintering them despite knowing I have white rot fungus in the soil. I may plant some of them in the flower buckets at home that currently have tomatoes in and have been grown in a mixture of cori and compost.

I could add more compost and some comfrey feed to liven up the soil in the buckets

Watering Visit for the tomatoes today as no visit to the plot yesterday.

I have crimson crush tomato seeds fermenting in egg cups, I'm not sure if they will grow true or will revert to one of the parents but as something had nibbled it and it otherwise would have gone to waste I thought I may as well save the seeds from it to try next year, especially as they are a nice large and tasty tomato.

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